Thursday, October 16, 2014

Loading Day

Today was the "load the truck" day so we are ready to put the first load into the new house when we get in tomorrow at 8 AM! It started with Pierce & Jeff picking up the truck. 

Then the monstrous vehicle was backed into the driveway and - well let's just say "Let the fun begin!"

This is the EMPTY truck..........

Here is Dick showing all of us how to get things done!

More of Pierce & Jeff in the pack the truck to the ceiling phase. 

One bedroom ready to have things hauled out. 

A pano look at the big room we are emptying! Oh my! This is getting exciting!

And a little spot of beauty amidst the chaos of the move is right out our front door. See, it is possible to keep things pretty even when a move is underway!

While we aren't showing the full truck today, let us assure you it is full to the brim for the first load in the morning! You'll have to see it to believe it!

Check back soon for more moving MOVE-IN day details and pics! As for the Wagners, it's time to sleep fast. 🏡

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